News and Update

  • Engineering Research on Privacy and Security in Online Social Networks

    Online Social Networks (OSN), like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, has become an essential part of our daily life. We use them to maintain connections with our friends and get useful information. Besides, we use a lot of 3rd party Apps for amusement or additional functionalities. OSN users must authorize those Apps to access their own data objects, like statuses and ...
  • NCEL Develops New Business Model to Make Broadband Wireless Services Economical and Sustainable

    The Network Communications and Economics Lab (NCEL) led by Prof. Jianwei Huang, Department of Information Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), has recently proposed a novel information market model for utilizing idle TV white space spectrum, which can bring a significant profit to the white space database operator, while guaranteeing mobile users ...
  • Novel Face Recognition System Developed by CUHK Faculty of Engineering

    A CUHK research team led by Prof. Xiaoou Tang, Professor, Department of Information Engineering, and Prof. Xiaogang Wang, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering, has built a novel facial recognition system that with the highest accuracy in the world. While humans recognize faces at an accuracy rating of 97.53% on Labeled Faces in the Wild, the ...
