News and Update

  • CUHK Appoints Dean of the Faculty of Engineering

    The Council of The Chinese University of Hong Kong has approved the appointment of Professor Martin D.F. Wong as Dean of the Faculty of Engineering with effect from 4 January 2019. He will serve for a term of 5 years. Professor Wong is also appointed as Choh-Ming Li Professor of Computer Science and Engineering. Professor Martin D ...
  • Two CUHK Engineering Professors Elected IEEE Fellows 2019

    Prof. Tsang Hon Ki and Prof. Irwin King Kuo Chin, Faculty of Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), have been elected Fellows of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in the class of 2019, for their research contributions to “nonlinear silicon photonics and advanced waveguide grating couplers” and...
  • Prof. Chen Shih-Chi Receives the 2018 R&D 100 Award for Developing the Digital Holography-based 3-D Nano-Builder for Ultrafast Micro-/Nano-Prototyping

    Professor Shih-Chi Chen, Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering and his team have been honoured with the globally prestigious 2018 R&D 100 Award – “The Oscar of Invention” for the development of the Digital Holography-based 3-D Nano-Builder. It can additively write micro-nano-scale components with complex structures in ...
  • CUHK Team Develops a Rapid On-Site Method for Detecting Influenza Virus and Wins Gold Award in iGEM Competition

    A genetic engineering team of 12 undergraduate students from the Faculty of Business Administration, the Faculty of Engineering, the School of Biomedical Science of the Faculty of Medicine, and the School of Life Sciences of the Faculty of Science has been awarded a Gold medal at the international ...
  • Engineering Professors Named Most Highly Cited Researchers

    Prof. WONG Ching Ping, Emeritus Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering, and Prof. ZHAO Ni, Associate Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering have been named by Clarivate Analytics in the list of “Highly Cited Researchers 2018” as among the world’s top researchers whose work has been ...
  • Faculty of Engineering Launches Master of Science in Financial Technology in Hong Kong

    Financial Technology (FinTech), an emerging industry that enhances convenience and efficiency in financial activities through the adoption of data-oriented and smart technologies, is bringing revolution to the financial service sector. The development of innovations such as virtual bank and blockchain ...
  • Faculty of Engineering Launches Bachelor of Artificial Intelligence: Systems and Technologies

    The Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering will launch a new four-year undergraduate programme in Artificial Intelligence: Systems and Technologies (JUPAS code: 4468) in the 2019-20 academic year with the aim of nurturing professionals and leaders for the age of artificial intelligence. AI becomes ...
  • Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Autumn Edition) Visit (15-16 October 2018)

    Two groups of ELITE students were invited to attend the Electronics Fair on 15 Oct and 16 Oct 2018 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, organized by The Hong Kong Trade Development Council.  Guided tour and seminars on 3D Printing and AI Application were arranged.    ...
  • Mourning Professor Sir Charles K. KAO

    Dear Colleagues and Students, It was with great sadness that we received the news that Professor Charles Kao, Nobel Laureate in Physics 2009 and former VC of the University, has passed away yesterday. Professor Kao has been an outstanding scholar, a ...
  • Engineering Students Win Flipped Classroom Promotional Video Trailer Competition

    A team of students from the Faculty of Engineering Media Studio have won the championship at the University Flipped Classroom Promotional Video Trailer Competition. The competition invited entries promoting the benefits on learning with the flipped classroom approach and encouraging students to participate in the pre-class activities of ...
