News and Update

  • Prof. Zhang Li Develops Multi-functional Biohybrid Microbot Using Spirulina Algae

    A team of scientists led by Prof. Zhang Li, Associate Professor of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering has created a new generation of multi-functional biohybrid microbots. The microrobotic agents are capable of in-vivo tracking using fluorescent imaging and magnetic resonance, and high biodegradability as well as...
  • Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS) Public Symposium 2017

    The CUHK cross-institutional theme-based research scheme (TRS) project “Smart Solar Energy Harvesting, Storage, and Utilization” led by Prof. Ching-ping Wong, Dean of Engineering was presented at the “TRS Public Symposium” on 9 December 2017. In the Symposium, a total of 14 projects funded from the first 3 rounds of the scheme were ...
  • CUHK Team Develops a Rapid On-Site Method for Subtyping Influenza A virus and Wins Gold Award in iGEM Competition

    A genetic engineering team of 15 undergraduate students of Life Science and Biomedical Engineering has been awarded a Gold medal at the international Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) 2017 Giant Jamboree held in Boston, USA, for developing a novel rapid test for an influenza subtype. The winning project has extensive potential ...
  • Engineering Faculty Presents the Cross-institutional Theme-based Project “Smart Solar Energy Harvesting, Storage, and Utilization”

    The CUHK cross-institutional theme-based research scheme (TRS) project “Smart Solar Energy Harvesting, Storage, and Utilization” led by Prof. Ching-ping Wong, Dean of Engineering was presented to a delegation of Research Grant Council (RGC) on 24 October 2017.  The delegation undertook this fruitful trip to understand the latest world-...
  • SEEM Department and InvestHK Co-organise FinTech Seminar Series

    The Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management has collaborated with InvestHK to organize a FinTech Seminar Series on 1 November 2017. As part of the FinTech Education Week, the FinTech seminar series presented a number of leading FinTech practitioners lecturing on recent advances and developments in the area.  ...
  • Prof. Kevin Yip Proposes a New Method for Reconstructing Enhancer-target Networks in Human Cell and Tissue

    A research team led by Prof. Kevin Yip has recently studied gene enhancers, a type of regulatory element in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), together with their target genes, in 935 human cell and tissue samples. This finding helps explain the consequences of mutations in enhancers. As an application in a cancer study, three genes (// ...
  • Prof. Bian Liming Develops Slow Degrading Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogels to Improve Joint-motion for Osteoarthritis

    Prof. Bian Liming, Department of Biomedical Engineering, has recently developed a new class of injectable and slow-degrading hyaluronic acid (HA) hydrogels for osteoarthritis (OA). OA is characterized by the progressive degradation of articular cartilage in limb joints such as knees and hips, which can lead to significant pain and ...
  • Engineering Students Shone at International Olympiad of Metropolises

    The Hong Kong team won two gold medals and six silver medals in the 2nd International Olympiad of Metropolises (IOM), a multidisciplinary competition for students aged 14 to 18 covering four disciplines: mathematics, informatics, chemistry and physics.  Wong Tsz Chun and Wong Yik Chun from the Faculty of Engineering, CUHK repesented ...
  • Major Security Loophole in Mobile Payment Systems Discovered by Department of Information Engineering

    The System Security Lab, led by Prof. Kehuan ZHANG from the Department of Information Engineering has analyzed various major mobile payment systems for their security vulnerabilities, and discovered a major loophole. The finding has caused a large third party payment platform in mainland China to promptly implement new security measures ...
  • Prof. Liao Wei Hsin’s Team Awarded Best Paper from ASME

    A research team led by Prof. Liao Wei Hsin, Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, was awarded the /Best Paper Award in Mechanics and Material Systems/ from American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) for the journal paper entitled "Self-expanding/shrinking structures by 4D printing", co-authored by M Bodaghi, A ...
