News and Update

  • Prof. Ching Pak Chung Awarded HKSAR Silver Bauhinia Star

    Prof. Ching Pak Chung is awarded Silver Bauhinia Star 2017 by the HKSAR Government for his long and distinguished public and community service, particularly in his capacity as Chairman of the Veterinary Surgeons Board of Hong Kong.  He has made exemplary efforts in the legislative amendment exercise of the Veterinary Surgeons ...
  • Two Engineering Professors Elected CAE Fellows

    Prof. Du Ruxu and Prof. Meng Qing Hu Max of the Faculty of Engineering have been elected Fellows of the Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE) for their notable achievements in Engineering.  This year, a total of 52 new international fellows were inducted, and Professor Du and Professor Meng were the only ...
  • Summer Experiential Programme in Beijing 2017 (Yao Class)

    Given the very positive feedback of the participants last year, the Summer Experiential Programme in Beijing (Yao Class) ran again in 2017 during 26 June – 14 July 2017. The organizer, Yao Class of Tsinghua University, offered two summer courses titled “The Physics of Information” and “Theory and ...
  • Engineering Team Develops Ultra-Thin Wearable Blood Pressure Sensor

    An ultra-thin, unobtrusive blood pressure (BP) sensor that can be worn as a wristband or weaved into clothing has been developed by a research team from the Faculty of Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Such devices are accurate and low on battery consumption. When connected to a wireless network, they can ...
  • Prof. Wong Kam Fai’s Team Develops Hong Kong’s First Automatic Chinese Typographical Error Detection System

    A system called Automatic Chinese Typographical Error Detection has recently been developed by a research team led by Prof. Wong Kam Fai, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management.  The system is the first of its kind in Hong Kong for local students.  It has already been tested among primary and secondary school ...
  • CUHK Team Wins in HackUST 2017

    The hackUST 2017 is a 24-hour coding competition open to all university students/ alumni in the world and is the largest university hackathon in Asia. There are 4 themes (Gaming, Transport, Economy, Healthcare) with different challenges available for the participants this year. Participants are free to select their theme and form their ...
  • Breakthrough in Energy Storage Technology

    A high-energy-density zinc/iodine-bromide redox flow battery (ZIBB) has recently been developed by *Prof. Yi-Chun Lu*, Assistant Professor of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and her research team. ZIBB achieved the highest reported energy density for ...
  • MAE Students Won the Champion at the 6th Greater China Design Competition 2017

    A team of students from the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering won the Champion in the 6th Greater China Design Competition.  Hosted by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) Hong Kong Branch, the competition was held in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, on 25 to 26 March ...
  • Faculty of Engineering Honors 25 Distinguished Alumni

    On the occasion of its silver jubilee, the Faculty was proud to honor its 25 distinguished alumni whose acheivements in their professional frields have brought remarkable impact to the University and society.  The Awards Presentation Ceremony is held on university campus on 18 March 2017, and officiated by Dr. CHAN Yau Nam Ian, Director...
  • Prof. Huang Jianwei Proposes Innovative Business Models to Release Potential of Wi-Fi Networks

    The Network Communications and Economics Lab (NCEL), led by Prof. Jianwei Huang from the Department of Information Engineering has recently proposed two innovative business models to explore the economic benefits of a Wi-Fi sharing community. These models not only benefit consumers but also create new ...
