News and Update

  • CUHK Develops Ultra-Thin Self-Powered Wireless Sensing E-Sticker Achieving Novel Smart IoT Technology with Power, Sensing, Wireless Transmission Functions All-in-one Unit

      A research team of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has recently developed a self-powered wireless sensing e-sticker (SWISE). SWISE can convert the energy of the finger touch on the e-sticker into electromagnetic wave signals for...
  • Prof. Yi-Chun Lu Awarded The XPLORER Prize 2021

    Prof. Yi-Chun Lu, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, Faculty of Engineering has been selected as one of the awardees of the XPLORER Prize 2021.  A total of three scholars from Hong Kong was recognized.  Prof...
  • CSE Alumnus Wong Kwan Hang Won Silver in Tokyo Paralympics

    Wong Kwan Hang, an alumnus of Department of Computer Science and Engineering, and his teammates won a silver medal for Hong Kong in the mixed pair boccia BC4 event at the Tokyo Paralympic Games.   Wong Kwan Hang graduated from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Class of 2017) and received a Postgraduate ...
  • Prof. Ren Wei Receives China’s Excellent Young Scientists Fund 2021

    Prof. Ren Wei, Mechanical and Automation Engineering Department, has been awarded China’s Excellent Young Scientists Fund 2021 by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). He will receive a funding of RMB 1.6 million to directly support his pioneering research on laser diagnostics for flow fields in Hong Kong over a...
  • CUHK and Zhejiang University Establish Joint Training Scheme for FinTech Talents

    In order to meet the demand of the rapidly developing Financial Technology (FinTech) industry, and to promote cooperation between The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and Zhejiang University (ZJU) in nurturing talents, the Faculty of Engineering of CUHK and the International Business School (ZIBS)...
  • Engineering Professors Named RGC Senior Research Fellow and RGC Research Fellow

    The Research Grants Council (RGC) has recently announced its funding results for the RGC Senior Research Fellow Scheme (SRFS) and RGC Research Fellow Scheme (RFS) of the 2021/22 Exercise. Two Faculty members received the awards. Each awardee is being supported with a fellowship grant to cover salary costs...
  • CUHK Engineering Team Discovers a New Degree of Freedom in Nanomechanical Topological Insulators Exploring Research Directions of New Types of Computer Chips

    Topological insulators are a new type of quantum material studied intensely in recent years. They are important for understanding fundamental physics and for applications of semiconductor devices. The Nobel Prize in Physics 2016 was awarded to three scientists for theoretical discoveries of topological...
  • CUHK Faculty of Engineering’s Raymond W. Yeung Receives 2022 Claude E. Shannon Award, the Highest Honour in Information Theory

    Professor Yeung Wai-Ho Raymond, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Information Engineering, and Co-Director of the Institute of Network Coding, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has been named the recipient of the 2022 Claude E. Shannon Award by the IEEE Information Theory Society for consistent and ...
  • Engineering Students Win Awards in the 7th Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

    The 7th Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition was held at Hong Kong Science Park in May. CUHK Engineering students showed active and exemplary participation, winning a number of awards in the competition in the Innovation category and Entrepreneurship category....
  • CUHK Robotics Team Wins Again in Robocon Hong Kong Contest

    The robotics team of the Faculty of Engineering, CUHK has been crowned Champion in the Robocon 2021 Hong Kong contest. The team can once again represent Hong Kong to win glory, after its success in the 2019 Asia-Pacific Robocon Contest. The 2021...
