News and Update

  • Dean of Engineering Elected HKAES Fellow

    Professor Martin D.F. Wong, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, has been elected Fellow of the  Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (HKAES) in December 2019.  The Induction Ceremony took place on 30 June 2020. A world-renowned scholar and expert on electronic design automation (EDA), Prof. Wong has published over 450 ...
  • Prof. Ming Yu To Receive 2020 Microwave Application Award by IEEE MTT-S

    Prof. Ming Yu, Department of Electronic Engineering has been selected for the 2020 Microwave Application Award of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) for his contribution to the development of computer aided and robotic tuning for filters and multiplexers.  The award recognizes an individual or team of no more than ...
  • Revealing the Role of Water Vapour in Methanol Atmospheric Reaction

    A research team led by Prof. Wei Ren has adopted high-level quantum chemistry calculations to provide a definitive answer to the role of water vapour in some important atmospheric reactions. The new findings will enable a more accurate and reliable prediction of air pollution and atmospheric chemistry. Volatile organic compounds ( ...
  • Breakthrough in Battery Research: An Eco-friendly Electrolyte with Skin Cream Ingredients Enabling Stable and Non-flammable Aqueous Li-ion Batteries

    A research team led by Prof. Yi-Chun has taken a critical step forward in improving high-energy batteries by introducing a novel electrolyte to the aqueous lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery. This electrolyte is commonly used in skin cream. It is inexpensive, non-flammable, less toxic and is eco-friendly, yet can create stable voltage for ...
  • Translating Basic Science Research to Clinical Application Microrobotic Swarms by CUHK Can Navigate in Bio-fluids

    A research group led by Professor Li Zhang, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering has developed a strategy that selects the optimised bio-inspired microrobotic swarms in different bio-fluids. The swarms reported may have great potential in medical applications, and this work is an important ...
  • Two CUHK Engineering Professors Elected IEEE Fellows 2020

    Prof. Guoliang Xing and Prof. Angela Yingjun Zhang from the Department of Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at CUHK have been elected Fellows of the prestigious Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in the class of 2020. Prof. Guoliang Xing was elected for his remarkable contributions to “sensor networks ...
  • Prof. Renjie Zhou Receives Croucher Innovation Award 2019 for Developing New Tomographic Phase Microscopy Technique for In Vivo Imaging

    Professor Renjie Zhou, Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering has been awarded the Croucher Innovation Award 2019 in the amount of HK$5 million in research expenses by the Croucher Foundation for his outstanding research achievements in optical diffraction tomography and in support of his future research works. ...
  • CUHK Faculty of Engineering and Hang Seng Bank Sign MOU for Nurturing FinTech Talents

    Prof. Martin D. F. Wong, Dean of Faculty of Engineering, CUHK and Mrs. Eunice Chan, Chief Operating Officer of Hang Seng Bank signed a memorandum of understanding for collaboration between the two parties on 9 December 2019.   This perfectly demonstrates the synergy between academic strength and practical expertise, the two parties join ...
  • Prof. Shih-Chi Chen Presents a Game-changing Nanoscale 3D Printing Technology – Femtosecond Projection Two-photon Lithography Boosts Printing Speed by up to 10,000 Times

    Ultraprecise 3D printing technology is a key enabler for manufacturing precision biomedical and photonic devices. However, the existing printing technology is limited by its low efficiency and high cost. Professor Shih-Chi Chen and his team from the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering collaborated with the Lawrence ...
  • Prof. Zhou Bolei Listed as One of the 20 Innovators Under 35 Asia Pacific by MIT Technology Review 2020

    Prof. Zhou Bolei, Assistant Professor from the Department of Information Engineering has recently been named as one of the 20 honourees of the regional MIT Technology Review “Innovators under 35”.   Prof. Zhou has been working on understanding deep neural networks and making Artificial Intelligence (AI) models more...
