News and Update

  • Skills for Success – Effective Entrepreneurship and Leadership 2015

    To help students develop themselves into confident and successful leaders, the Faculty offered an entrepreneurship and leadership training programme for over 100 engineering undergraduate students, designed and delivered by Dale Carnegie Training. The training was divided into three phases. *Phase 1:* ...
  • European Innovation Academy_2015

    Eureopean Innovation Academy (EIA) was held during 6 – 23 July 2015 in Nice, France. It was a three-week programme where participants from various universities around the world worked in multidisciplinary teams to start up new IT innovations, mentored and educated by industry leaders and professors.  The Faculty has...
  • Summer Experiential Programme in Beijing

    A student group of nine spent a week in Beijing during 5 – 11 July 2015, during which they visited Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA) and Yao Class, Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences of Tsinghua University and also explore the city of Beijing. In MSRA, the students were introduced a number of...
  • Innovative Network Coding Techniques Revolutionize Wireless Communications

    The university has recently been named by Thomson Reuters as one of the 10 research institutions in the world with the most impact on telecommunications. Amongst US and European universities, it is the only Asian institution on the list. The recognition was given to 10 institutions having the highest citation impact (research papers being the most highly cited by ...
  • Best Student Paper Award Featured in WiOpt 2015

    *A Game-Theoretic Analysis of User Behaviors in Crowdsourced Wireless Community Networks* The Network Communications and Economics Lab (NCEL) led by *Prof. Jianwei Huang*, Department of Information Engineering, CUHK, has recently made a comprehensive analysis of the user behaviors in crowd-sourced Wi-Fi community networks. The ...
  • Professor Charles K. Kao Student Creativity Awards 2015

    ‘Professor Charles K. Kao Student Creativity Awards 2015’ (PCKKSCA) Prize Presentation Ceremony was held on May 18, 2015 at Cho Yiu Conference Hall. Those awards were presented by Professor Benjamin W.S. WAH, Provost. PCKKSCA is a biennial competition of technological innovation, to encourage cross-disciplinary collaboration among ...
  • CUHK Engineering Faculty and PolyU Invent Interactive Exoskeleton Ankle Robot for Stroke Rehabilitation

    Researchers at the Faculty of Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University have jointly devised an *Interactive Exoskeleton Ankle Robot* for rehabilitation of stroke patients with foot drop problem, or people with muscle weakness or ...
  • Prof. Jianwei Huang Receives Distinguished Service Award From IEEE Communications Society MMTC

    Prof. Jianwei Huang from the Department of Information Engineering received the 2015 Distinguished Service Award from IEEE Communications Society Multimedia Communications Technical Committee (MMTC), for his exemplary services contributions to MMTC community over a sustained period of time. The...
  • Engineering Research Team Receives MoE Higher Education Second-class Award in Natural Sciences

    The university received eight Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards (Science and Technology) from the Ministry of Education (MoE) in 2014, including two first-class awards and five second-class awards in Natural Sciences, as well as one first-class award in...
  • MAE Students Won at the 4th Greater China Design Competition 2015

    Eight students (Yip Chi Yiu, Lee Chun Kong, Chung Tsz Yin, Chan Tsz Fung, Cheung Ho Tin, Chan Yin Pok, Santo Royce and Kwok Ming Fung) from the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, CUHK designed a prototype vehicle for rocks collection, and won the Champion in the 4th Greater China Design Competition. Hosted by the Institution of Mechanical ...
