The 5th Annual International Mathematical Modeling Challenge - Mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau Regional & International Finalist Presentation Competition was held on 26 and 27 April by the Faculty of Engineering of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The teams went through the Autumn and/or Winter seasons, and International Round before they entered the finalist presentation round. They were selected among more than 580 teams from the 4 areas of China after their papers were presented in front of the Grand Jury. There were more than 30 countries and regions registering in IMMC 2019. From the top 50 finalist teams in Greater China, the best 2 papers each from Mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau will be selected and recommended to the International Expert Panel by the IMMC Committee (Greater China). (Other participating countries or regions will each select the best one or two papers for the International Expert Panel's Judgement). All of the recommended papers will be examined in the beginning of June in Florence in Italy. IMMC Greater China Regional is an independent contest; and it is also the selection platform for the international round IMMC. The problems of IMMC 2019 continue to align with the idea of STEM Education so as to integrate Mathematics with Science, Technology and Engineering and to apply mathematics in social and economic development and daily life. Taking account that Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been playing significant role in all aspects of the society in recent years and AI is an important domain in applying mathematical modeling, IMMC 2019 set AI as the theme of one of the problems (Problem A). The problem of the international round provides an opportunity for students to think as a global citizen and to express their planet concern through mathematical modeling in addressing the challenges our mother Earth is facing when raising the humankind in this planet. IMMC 2019 Problems (Greater China): Problem A: Nurturing Chatbot for Chatting about the History of Artificial Intelligence Problem B: The Self-Control Mechanism in Online Gameplaying Problem C: Calibrating Accelerometers Problem D: Positioning and Treatment of Air Pollution Sources Self-Chosen Problem: proposed by teams themselves IMMC 2019 - Problem(International): What is the Earth’s carrying capacity for human life? The top 50 teams represent the quality of IMMC 2019 in Greater China. After the presentation and judgement by the Grand Jury, 20 teams were awarded Outstanding Awards among whom 12 teams are for the Greater China Regional Contest and 8 teams, the International Round. They are the teams from The High School Affiliated to Southwest University, St. Paul's Co-educational College, Taipei Municipal Zhongshan Girls High School, Escola Hou Kong among other schools. International Mathematical Modeling Challenge (IMMC or IM2C), co-founded and co-sponsored by the Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications (COMAP) and NeoUnion ESC Organization (NeoUnion), is an innovative mathematical contest in modeling for secondary school students around the world. The IM2C aims to promote mathematical modeling education and enhance secondary school students’ core competences in mathematics and innovation by encouraging its participants to explore the applications of mathematical modeling in solving significant real-world problems. IM2C for the Greater China region is an inclusive platform for all secondary school students at both local and international level to experience the benefits of mathematical modeling and share their learning experience. Based on the contest platform, IMMC carries out extended teaching series, Advanced Innovation Program(AIP) and regional or international joint school mathematical modeling activities to advocate STEM education and to nurture creativity and innovation. All of the endeavors converge for students to experience the value of mathematical modeling, and its relevance with their current studies, university studies and even the future career so as to create values for students' lifelong development. IMMC2019 Greater China Finalist Teams and Distinguished Guests IMMC2019 International Finalist Teams and Grand Jury Finalist Presentation is the yearly highlight of IMMC Greater China Region. In IMMC 2019, we have the honor to get the support from the top universities, leading technology companies and international professional organizations.
Mr. Leo Liu emphasized that mathematical modeling is not only about mathematics knowledge, but also concerns interdisciplinary integration, computational thinking and creativity. Mr Leo Liu said, "We are in the Era of Digital and Artificial Intelligence where Cloud Computing, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence are developing rapidly. Because of the fast development of the intelligent technology, many types of job will disappear in the coming future. Some jobs with repeatable duties may be replaced by AI. But, the problem-solving ability and creativity is specific and precious competency that human beings possess. Therefore, IMMC is a valuable platform which provides a place not only to test your basic knowledge, but also for you to solve the real problems with the knowledge and skills you have. This will practice your computational thinking and creativity." He remarked "Alibaba pays much attention on nurturing mathematical talents. Alibaba Cloud as the cloud computing platform, we work for promoting the innovative change in society through using technology. We combine data analytics, AI, machine learning and Internet of Things (IoT) to help our customers to realize digitalization." Prof. Martin D.F. Wong congratulated and praised the students for their passion and creativity shown in their high quality papers. Prof. Wong quoted from the 18th century great mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss, “Mathematics is the Queen of Science” and pointed, "Science is the foundation of Engineering. Therefore, mathematical modelling is immensely critical for solving scientific and engineering problems. In fact, applications of mathematical modelling go beyond science and engineering. Today, mathematical modelling is also widely used in economics, business, linguistics, psychology, sociology, political science etc. etc." The Representative of Huawei Hong Kong Research Center - Dr. Michael Zhang told the audience an discovery when he worked in Huawei: "Math is important and mathematical modeling is more important because it provides a bridge that connects various math tools and practical problems. "The tools such as convex optimization, stochastic process, statistical learning, and control theory. Using such tools, they on one hand solve problems in existing products and on the other hand exploit what will happen in the future so as to point directions to the future development of the next‐generation products." Mr. Steven Deng introduced IEEE, the largest professional organizaton in the world, with its development and influence in the advancement of technology for humanity. IEEE is the joint organizer of IMMC in Greater China Regional and the supporting organization of IMMC Advanced Innovation Program (AIP) as well. This program invites the past awardees of IMMC who are now studying in universities around the world to participate in the internship at the technological and financial companies in Hong Kong. This is an precious opportunity for young innovators to practice and develop their talents in STEM on the industry level projects before they enter into the workplace. Prof. K.F. WONG, Associate Dean (External Affairs), Faculty of Engineering of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, served as the Executive Chairman in the final presentation competition of IMMC 2019. The Grand Jury was formed by the professors from Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Mainland. The Jury Chair was served by Prof. Ming-Chih LAI from the Department of Applied Mathematics of Taiwan Chiao Tung University. During the commentary and sharing session, Jury members summarized the advantages and disadvantages of the papers during contest seasons and the final presentation. They commented and gave instructions on the basic skills in modeling, research methodology, paper writing, presentation skills, and spirit of science. |