News and Update

  • Prof. Sze-yiu CHAU's Team Won the Best Paper Award at the 16th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks

    Congratulations to Prof. Sze-yiu CHAU's team has been awarded the Best Paper Award at the 16th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (ACM WiSec 2023). The paper, titled "The Devil is in the Details: Hidden Problems of Client-Side Enterprise Wi-Fi Configurators," is co-...
  • CUHK Engineering FinTech Applied Research Academy partners with 10×1000 Tech for Inclusion to cultivate FinTech talents

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Engineering FinTech Applied Research Academy (CEFAR) partnered with the “10x1000” Tech for Inclusion Programme to launch the world’s first joint course this year, allowing more than 100 foremost students who are enrolled in the Master of Science in Financial Technology programme (MSCFT) to ...
  • CUHK announces the invention of an aerial-aquatic hybrid drone

    A research team jointly led by *Professor Ben M. Chen* from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)’s Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering (MAE) and *Professor Jie Chen* from Tongji University’s Shanghai Research Institute for Intelligent Autonomous Systems has successfully invented the...
  • CUHK develops wirelessly powered electronic stents for gastric acid reflux treatment: a new non-invasive therapy

    A collaborative research team led by *Professor Zhang Li* from the Faculty of Engineering, and *Professor Philip Chiu Wai-yan* and *Professor Tony Chan Kai-fung* from the Faculty of Medicine (CU Medicine) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has...
  • CUHK teacher’s innovative approach enables students to continue real-time experiment remotely

    After three years of battling the COVID-19 pandemic, online learning has become more and more popular, promoting the development of innovative educational approaches. Dr Han Dongkun, a lecturer from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)’s Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, and his team designed and assembled 12...
  • Engineering scholar named Best Innopreneur Award by Federation of Hong Kong Industries

    Congratulations to Prof. Leo Jiaya Jia from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering for being awarded the Best Innopreneur Award by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries, in recognition of his significant contribution to advanced development of computer vision and machine learning technology,...
  • CUHK achieves breakthrough techniques taking nanoscale 3D printing into a new era

    Multi-material 3D fabrication at nanoscale has been the holy grail of nanotechnology and a key enabler for the development of new technologies, including photonic, electronic, and biomedical devices. Professor Chen Shih-Chi and his team from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)’s Department of ...
  • CUHK develops 3D soft architected materials with magnetic control dynamic morphological transformation

    A collaborative research team led by Professor Zhang Li from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)’s Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering has developed a ferromagnetic silicone elastomer with three-dimensional (3D) deformability, further expanding new applications of morphable soft...
  • CUHK students triumph in the Huawei ICT Competition

    Congratulations to CUHK students who teamed up and won the Huawei ICT Competition Hong Kong SAR 2022-2023! First held in Hong Kong last year, the Huawei ICT Competition is a competitive ICT talent exchange event developed by Huawei for global college students.  The ...
  • CUHK Engineering professor wins the Optica Foundation 20th Anniversary Challenge

    Professor Huang Chaoran, Assistant Professor from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)’s Department of Electronic Engineering has won the Optica (formerly OSA) Foundation 20th Anniversary Challenge for her pioneering research on integrated photonic neuromorphic processor enabled intelligent, energy-...
