Overseas Research Exchange

Professor Charles K. Kao Research Exchange Scholarship

Scholarships for Summer Research Exchange Programmes 2024/25


To pay tribute to late Professor Charles K. Kao for his achievements in science and technologies and to commemorate his being awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics 2009, the University has set up the Charles K. Kao Scholarship Endowment Fund through private donations. Part of the Fund will be used to award scholarships for summer research exchange programmes for undergraduate students for the Faculty of Engineering, and the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Physics.

Scholarship Details

Name of Scholarships

The Scholarships shall be known as “Professor Charles K. Kao Research Exchange Scholarships” and in Chinese 「高錕教授科研交流生獎學金」.

Value of Scholarships

The Scholarships of up to HK$50,000 each, depending on the destinations/duration, are to cover the travel expenses and living allowance for joining the research exchange programmes.

Number of Scholarships

A maximum of 7 scholarships will be awarded to students of the Faculty of Engineering.

Selection Criteria and Administrative Procedures

Undergraduate students of Year-2 or above (including final-year students) with a cumulative GPA of 3.6 or above are eligible to apply for the Scholarships to participate in summer research projects at designated overseas universities for a duration of not less than 8 weeks.

Shortlisted candidates would be invited to an interview in January 2025. 

a) Selection and matching will be conducted by the Faculty Scholarships Committee based on the applicants' academic performance and research potentials. 

b) The final acceptance of the students recommended by the Faculty Scholarships Committee is still subject to the approval of the Professor Charles K. Kao Research Exchange Scholarship Committee of the University, and confirmation of the host institutions.  

c) Students cannot receive more than one exchange scholarship under the Fund, be it for term-time or summer exchange, throughout their undergraduate studies at CUHK.

d) Scholarship recipients shall submit a written report to the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid via the Faculty Office within 2 months after completion of their exchange programme.

e) Scholarship recipients are expected to serve as the ambassadors of CUHK during their overseas exchange and contribute to community services after returning to Hong Kong.

Application Procedure

Eligible students could make application by completing the required application form together with the indication of priority choice from the list of potentials hosting institutions, and email it to scholarships@erg.cuhk.edu.hk by 17 December 2024 (Tue) .  Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.  Only online applications will be accepted. The application form could be downloaded from here .