News and Update

  • CUHK Members Visited Institutions in South Korea

    A delegation led by Prof. Joseph Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, visited institutions in South Korea in April 2016. The delegation included Prof. Wong Ching Ping, Dean of Engineering and Prof. Lui Chi Shing John, Associate Dean (Research) of Engineering. They visited Sungkyunkwan University, Yonsei University, Korea University, ...
  • Prof. Jonathan Choi Received a Croucher Innovation Award 2016

    Prof. Jonathan Choi Chung-hang from the Department of Electronic Engineering (Biomedical Engineering) received a Croucher Innovation Award 2016 in the amount of HK$ 5 million. He is the first ever recipient from CUHK since the inauguration of this award by the Croucher Foundation in 2012.   Prof. Jonathan Choi Chung-hang ...
  • Faculty Annual Award Presentation Ceremony cum 25th Anniversary Kick-off Ceremony

    The Faculty of Engineering's annual Award Presentation Ceremony was held on 20 February to give recognition to outstanding Faculty and staff – who are dedicated to providing the highest quality education and to making a difference to the Faculty.  The ceremony also offers an opportunity to recognize students with outstanding academic ...
  • Engineering Job Fair 2016

    To help students explore career interests, the Faculty of Engineering [1] held a three-day Engineering Job Fair on campus from 27 to 29 January. Over 80 exhibitors drew over 2,000 engineering students to the event. There were on-spot interviews and job offers given to students ... [1]
  • Hong Kong Science and Technology Park Visit

    *Hong Kong Science and Technology Park Visit* Around 20 ELITE students visited the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park (HKSTP) on 5 February 2016. The group visited the Smart Living Exhibition and was shown the latest green technologies in the facilities. HKSTP has also invited Mr. Rico Chan of Businsoft ...
  • Engineering Students Shone at Solar Car Competition

    The CUHK Engineering team formed by 14 students has recently won the “Renewable Energy Capture & Conversion Efficiency Award" at the New Energy New Generation” Solar Car Competition (tertiary education category) organized by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department in January.   Led by Prof. ...
  • ELITE Student 2016 CNY Lunch Gathering

    *ELITE Student 2016 CNY Lunch Gathering* More than 20 ELITE students have joined our 2016 Chinese New Year lunch gathering on 13 January 2016 at S.H. Ho College Staff Common Room with Mr. Hamen Fan, CUHK Council member, Prof. C.P. Wong, Dean of Engineering, Prof. Irwin King, Associate Dean (Education) and Prof. ...
  • Prof. Michael Lyu Conferred ACM Fellowship 2015

    Prof. Lyu Rung Tsong Michael from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering has been elected Fellow by The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) - an authoritative international engineering organization - for his remarkable contributions to the theory and practice of software reliability engineering.  This year, 42 are ...
  • Prof. Jianwei Huang Named 2016 IEEE Fellow

    Prof. Jianwei Huang from the Department of Information Engineering has been named an IEEE Fellow, effective January 2016. He is being recognized for contributions to resource allocation in wireless cellular and cognitive radio systems, and his seminal work on the economics based analysis and design of modern wireless communication ...
  • Prof. Helen Meng Receives the Outstanding ICT Women Professional Award

    Prof. Helen Meng Received the Outstanding ICT Women Professional Award from the Hong Kong Computer Society, the first year that the Society is launching the award. ...
