中大與本地中學合作 首套人工智能資源套出爐

由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助,中大工程學院及教育學院聯合主辦的中大賽馬會「智」為未來計劃今日(28日)舉辦「人工智能教學資源套」發布會,公布首套由中大和中學共建的人工智能(AI)課程 ─《香港人工智能教育初中課程—教學資源套》。

Thursday, September 30, 2021
HKET Daily

中大賽馬會「智」為未來計劃 首套由中大與中學共建「香港人工智能教育初中課程教學資源套」出版

由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助,香港中文大學(中大)工程學院及教育學院聯合主辦的中大賽馬會「智」為未來計劃(下稱「計劃」)今天(9月28日)舉辦「人工智能教學資源套」發布會,公布首套由中大和中學共建的人工智能(AI)課程 ─《香港人工智能教育初中課程—教學資源套》(下稱「教學資源套」)。
香港賽馬會慈善事務部主管應鳳秀女士表示馬會致力支持推動科技教育的各個軟硬件項目,惠及不同年齡層的學童及業界,包括幼稚園,協助他們運用科技應對未來各樣挑戰,「計劃下的教學資源套,不但集結了計劃團隊過去兩年的寶貴經驗和心血結晶,為香港中學創建全面及有系統的AI 課程框架,並為學校提供AI教學材料。馬會向來十分重視青年教育及人才培訓,所以我們期望計劃能為AI課程納入本地正規教育提供具參考價值的指標,有助培育新一代創科人才,為香港構建智慧城市出一分力,也貫徹馬會秉持致力建設更美好社會的宗旨。」
計劃副負責人、課程發展組主領、評估及分析組副主領蒙美玲教授分享了教學資源套的設計意念,其後由計劃研究團隊示範如何使用教學資源套,並配合由中大開發的硬件教材AI智能車CUHK-JC iCar和其他學習套件進行AI教學。
計劃自2019年開展,中大聯同六間先導學校合力設計及編寫AI課程。過去兩年,課程已於三十多間本地中學進行超過2,600個課節試教,有超過5,000名老師及學生參與,再由四位資深電腦科老師顧問編纂,製作出首套由中大及中學共同創建的 AI教學資源套初版。

(左起) 中大協理副校長王淑英教授、中大副校長潘偉賢教授、香港特別行政區政府創新及科技局副局長鍾偉强博士、香港賽馬會慈善事務部主管應鳳秀女士及計劃首席負責人任揚教授主持中大賽馬會「智」為未來計劃的《香港人工智能教育初中課程—教學資源套》發布會。

主禮嘉賓及出席發布會的計劃管理委員會成員包括(左起) 計劃副負責人、課程發展組主領、評估及分析組副主領蒙美玲教授、中大教育學院院長范息濤教授、中大協理副校長王淑英教授、中大副校長潘偉賢教授、香港特別行政區政府創新及科技局副局長鍾偉强博士、香港賽馬會慈善事務部主管應鳳秀女士、計劃首席負責人任揚教授、中大工程學院院長黃定發教授、教師發展和學校參與組主領趙建豐教授,以及課程發展組副主領、教師發展和學校參與組副主領黃蔚皓教授。

中大賽馬會「智」為未來計劃的研究團隊展示利用教學資源套配合硬件教材AI智能車CUHK-JC iCar和其他學習套件進行AI教學。






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Media Release

FINTECH SEMINAR SERIES : Early glimpse of CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) – Are Asian countries ready for it?

Date : 12 Oct 2021
Time : 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Panelists (in surname’s alphabetical order)
Mr. Nike Kong, Chief Information Officer, Hang Seng Bank
Mr. Brian Lam, Senior Manager, FinTech Facilitation Office, Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Mr. Gary Lam, Chief Technology Officer, Livi Bank
Mr. Peter Lee, Chief Technology Officer, IBM Hong Kong
Prof. Seen Meng Chew, Associate Dean for External Engagement, CUHK Business School
Venue: Live virtual class (Zoom)  or Face-to-face at CUHK Town Centre in Central
Live virtual class (Zoom) or Face-to-face at CUHK Town Centre in Central
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Tuesday, October 12, 2021 to 18:00
FINTECH SEMINAR SERIES : Early glimpse of CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) – Are Asian countries ready for it?
Not Available
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【無線傳感】中大研發超薄無線傳感電子貼紙 集供電、傳感、訊號傳輸功能於一身


Monday, September 27, 2021
HKET Daily



Monday, September 27, 2021
Sing Tao Daily

CUHK Develops Ultra-Thin Self-Powered Wireless Sensing E-Sticker Achieving Novel Smart IoT Technology with Power, Sensing, Wireless Transmission Functions All-in-one Unit



A research team of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has recently developed a self-powered wireless sensing e-sticker (SWISE). SWISE can convert the energy of the finger touch on the e-sticker into electromagnetic wave signals for wireless transmission without batteries or wires. Taking advantage of flexible, ultra-thin, and long effective transmission distance, SWISE can further the development of smart sensing and remote-control technologies. The findings have been published in the internationally renowned journal Science Advances, and the research team will cooperate with tech companies to bring related smart products to market.
In addition, the team has invented a novel triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) the power output of which is far beyond that of the existing TENG. This invention may pave the way for using TENG to power home electrical appliances and offer an alternative renewable energy option.
Wireless sensing e-sticker
The development of the Internet of Things (IoT) is the key to building a smart city, in which sensors act as eyes and ears of the IoT system. These sensors are responsible for collecting physical variables such as temperature, pressure, speed, and convert them into electronic signals for analysis. Some researchers predicted that there will be billions of sensor nodes connected to the IoT in the next few years forming a physical information sensing network. However, traditional wireless sensing and transmission technology still requires multiple independent modules for sensing, signal modulation, transmission, and power source and management, which make the whole system bulky and rigid, with high power consumption and pricy too. This undoubtedly limits the application scenarios of wireless sensing technology and increases maintenance costs and difficulties.
The research team led by Professor Zi Yunlong, Assistant Professor of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering at CUHK, has designed a smart material based e-sticker SWISE, combining the four functional modules of traditional wireless sensing system into a single unit. SWISE is a soft and flexible electronic film (the thinnest is only 95 μm, which is less than the width of two human hairs), which generates displacement current during the discharge process to achieve self-powered wireless sensing based on the triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) technology.
SWISE has three layers, where the middle one is a metal film with two electrodes, and the outside is composed of a tribo-charge layer and a substrate layer. When the finger slides on the tribo-charge layers of SWISE to generate tribo-charges, a discharge effect will be generated, which converts the kinetic energy of the finger movement into electromagnetic signals. The research team has proved that the signal can travel long distance (up to 30 metres) without external power supply.
Multi-point sensing ability, which can be achieved by distinguishing the signals generated from different design parameters, allows sensors to be widely applied in different scenarios in a smart city. Thus, the research team has designed devices with varied parameters, for instance, by changing the inductance of the device, so that SWISE can generate signals with different characteristics and spectrum, which expands its application fields. The wireless soft keyboard and wristband shown in videos 1 and 2 can transmit four different signals 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. SWISE is also expected to be used in smart clothes, robotics, medical treatment, human-machine interfaces, body area sensor networks, and virtual reality in the future.
In addition, the research team is exploring the potential of SWISE for gas detection. They found that spectrums of the electromagnetic signal generated by the displacement current will be slightly varied when the gas composition between the two electrodes of the metal film is changed. Through artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning technologies, they successfully distinguished the signal characteristics of ten different gas composition and concentration combinations (including argon, carbon dioxide, helium, nitrogen and general air), with 98.5% recognition accuracy.
Professor Zi Yunlong said, “Our research team has repeatedly tested the SWISE sensing system and its applications, such as wireless soft keyboards and smart wristband. The results fully proved that it has huge application potential in wireless sensing and remote control. It is expected to further the evolution of smart sensing and remote-control technologies and the development of smart city in Hong Kong.”
Dr. Dai Yuan and her team from Tencent Robotics X, Dr. Yu Xinge’s team from City University of Hong Kong, and Prof. Zhong Linwang from Beijing Institute of Nanoenergy and Nanosystems, Chinese Academy of Sciences, participated in this project.
This project was funded by the HKSAR the Research Grants Council Early Career Scheme, General Research Fund, HKSAR Innovation and Technology Fund, and Tencent University Relations Programme.
Novel triboelectric nanogenerator with high power output
TENG empowers SWISE to generate displacement current during the discharge process to achieve self-powered wireless sensing. Not only a finger touch can generate power by TENG. Mechanical motions in the environment, such as water waves, wind, rain droplets, and biomechanical motions can also be harvested by TENG to produce clean and renewable energy. However, TENG suffers from two fundamental limitations: the low charge transfer and the high output impedance, which result in low output power and limited application.
Recently, Professor Zi and his team has developed an opposite-charge-enhanced transistor-like triboelectric nanogenerator (OCT-TENG) that is capable of delivering instantaneous power density over 10 MW/m2 at low frequency of about 1 Hz, far beyond the previous reports.
For demonstrating the high performance of this new invention, the team lit up a 180 W commercial lamp using a OCT-TENG device, as well as a vehicle LED bulb rated 30 W being wirelessly powered. These results set a record for the high-power output of TENG. The related output was published in the prestigious journal of Nature Communications.
About Professor Zi Yunlong
Professor Zi joined the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering at CUHK in 2017. He has been working on TENG based energy harvesting technologies and self-powered systems, with a series of independent research achievements.

Prof. Yunlong Zi.

The comparison of the traditional wireless sensing system (I) with SWISE (II), where the SWISE has the characteristic of small, thin, light, and all-in-one.

OCT-TENG is capable of delivering 180W power to light the lamp.



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Media Release

前海擴區大增機遇 科技界要把握


Monday, September 20, 2021
Sing Tao Daily

港3學者獲科學探索獎 得主年輕化 信研究必有成果


Tuesday, September 14, 2021


盧怡君研電子儲能盼助貧困區 冀兼顧工作家庭
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Wen Wei Po

Prof. Yi-Chun Lu Awarded The XPLORER Prize 2021

Prof. Yi-Chun Lu, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, Faculty of Engineering has been selected as one of the awardees of the XPLORER Prize 2021.  A total of three scholars from Hong Kong was recognized. 
Prof. Lu leads ground-breaking research on battery. Her team has successfully invented a safe, high-energy, low-cost, and environmentally-friendly battery that serves as a substitute for commercial lithium-ion batteries which are indispensable in our daily lives.
The XPLORER Prize is a new talent award developed and evaluated by prominent scientists, and focuses on nine fields of basic sciences and frontier technologies. Adhering to the principle of being future-oriented, the Prize has funded a total of 150 promising young scientists since 2018.
For the press release, please visit the website of CUHK Communications and Public Relations Office.

Prof. Yi-Chun Lu

Prof. Yi-Chun Lu (left 4)


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